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Year 5 and 6 Arabic Flashcards

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Year 5 and 6 are taking language learning to a new level! They have created their own vocabulary flashcards about the topics learnt and had fun with playing memory games.

This lesson has been fun learning about fun facts about planets and our solar system. Learning and creating our own flash cards have been fun and helping us to learn, I really have enjoyed it creating, practicing our flash cards, and watching Arabic videos on all the planets.

- A.J 5B

Last week Mrs Atme set us a task of making flash cards with our Arabic words related to our subject on our beautiful and incredible environment! And for today’s lesson we all played all sorts of game with them so we can learn our words such as matching/memory games and translating them in Arabic to English.

- Abiel 6A

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