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Year 8 Dance Incursion

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Year 8 Dance Incursion

From Monday the 6th to Friday the 10th of March all year 8 students participated in a Hip Hop incursion within their dance class. Hip Hop instructors came to the college and taught the year 8 cohort some grooves and learnt a dance which they performed to each other at the end of the lesson. It was great to see all students participating and performing. Below are some comments from students in Year 8.

The dance incursion was a blast! We learnt a hip hop routine which is a style we haven't done in our usual dance classes before. I really enjoyed this incursion because the instructor was very supportive and made it as fun as possible. I also learnt the names and moves of new dance moves. I want to thank Miss Natoli and Miss G for organising this incursion.

Mia Azzi 8B

Within the Hip Hop Dance Incursion, 8A learnt a variety of skills whilst movements, in which overall allowed us into gaining full energy. We first started off by warming up, in which caused our muscles into being stretched out and ready, in order to begin the creative choreography, in which we had cheerfully learnt together as a team. As a result, we all had an amusing time, getting to learn new skills. Overall, we would love to say thank you to Ms Natoli for being a wonderful teacher and organising this lovely incursion for the year 8s. Additionally, we would also like to say thank you to the dance instructor from the Dance Experts.

Maryam Rahoomi 8A

Throughout the Hip Hop Dance Incursion, our class learnt a variety of hip hop dance skills, which brought us to delight and to have an enjoyable lesson overall. From warming up to cooling down and learning choreography for a dance, it was a very lovely incursion Ms Natoli has prepared for us, in which we are very thankful for. Within the incursion, the whole class developed and enhanced over time, to being completely comfortable with Hip Hop and being able to perform a dance with a group. Consequently, there is no doubt this wonderful incursion has overall had a positive effect towards us to learn various hip hop dance skills.

Melina Kako 8A

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